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The development trend of coordinated transformation of Chinese couplings

Time: 2019-03-13 08:53 Author: admin Click:

  In order to accelerate the development of my country's coupling industry, mutual cooperation and mutual development between coupling factories are essential.

  In recent years, due to the rapid development of the servo motor industry, more and more emphasis has been placed on adapting to the needs of high-speed and high-precision control.Couplings are increasingly used in machines controlled by servo systems.In these areas, unlike general manufacturing machinery, the output must be required to have a high tracking line relative to the input.More and more emphasis has been placed on adapting to the needs of high-speed and high-precision control.

  In recent years, couplings have been increasingly used in precision machinery controlled by servo systems such as machine tools and semiconductor manufacturing machinery.In these fields, unlike general manufacturing machinery, it is necessary to highly track its output and input.

  Especially when used for high-frequency forward and reverse rotation, high-precision positioning and high-speed rotating machine tools above 2000/min, the coupling must not only have high rigidity, but also must be able to withstand the high elastic fatigue limit of repeated torsional loads.Can adapt to high-speed operation.Therefore, the coupling must have the same characteristics as high torque rigidity, zero rotation clearance, elastic body compensation manufacturing machinery, radial, axial, angular deviation, clockwise and counterclockwise rotation characteristics during transmission.

  In the past, people only regarded the coupling as a mechanical part, but with the diversification of the mechanical devices that use the coupling itself, in order to achieve higher performance, people’s understanding of the coupling has changed from simple mechanical parts. Transform into an important mechanical component that affects the performance of the entire mechanical system.

  Therefore, it is becoming more and more difficult to rely solely on coupling manufacturers to develop their own products to meet the needs of users.At present, it has become a trend for users to cooperate with manufacturers to develop mechanical couplings.

  With the development of machinery industry and science and technology, high requirements are put forward on couplings.It can not only meet the requirements of high speed, heavy load, and high precision, but also meet the requirements of stable operation, high transmission efficiency, long service life, and simple maintenance.With the development of machinery industry and science and technology, the development status and current situation of my country's coupling products put forward high requirements on couplings.It can not only meet the requirements of high speed, heavy load, and high precision, but also meet the requirements of stable operation, high transmission efficiency, long service life, and simple maintenance.In order to meet market demand and meet the needs of different power transmission systems, many different types of new couplings have been developed to meet this demand.In recent years, my country's coupling industry has developed rapidly, with a high level of standardization. There are only more than 90 couplings that meet industry standards.So many specifications will undoubtedly play a great role in promoting the application and consumption of the coupling, and will also provide the market with advanced technology and reliable coupling product quality.The number of specifications of couplings in my country far exceeds that of foreign advanced industries.Because they are mostly presented in the form of samples from consumer manufacturers, there are fewer established or industry specifications.The technical level of the coupling, whether it is structural type or technical parameters and performance indicators, mostly reaches the level of similar foreign products.However, compared with the processing accuracy, quality and service life of the products, there is a big gap, and some can only reach the level of the 80s. The reasons are: first, it is related to the mode, scope and management level of organizational consumption; second, the processing equipment is outdated , The consumption efficiency is low.The machining accuracy is poor. Before the 80s, the consumption of couplings in my country was equal to that of the main engine manufacturers, and there was no professional coupling manufacturer.However, since the 20s, the consumption of couplings has gradually developed in the direction of marketization and has developed rapidly.Hundreds of professional consumer goods production enterprises in large and small fields have been formed, with an annual output value of more than 80 billion yuan.

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