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What are the structural characteristics of the elastic coupling

Time: 2019-03-12 08:53 Author: admin Click:

  Structural characteristics of elastic coupling:

  1. One-to-one metal elastomer

  2. Zero rotation gap and synchronous operation

  3. The elastic action compensates radial, angular and axial deviations

  4. High torque stiffness and sensitivity

  5. The same degree of rotation characteristics are exactly the same.

  6. Maintenance-free, oil and corrosion resistant

  7. Selection of aluminum alloy and stainless steel materials

  8. The fixing methods mainly include on-line and clamping

  The elastic coupling adopts parallel or spiral groove system to adapt to various deviations and accurately transmit torque.Flexible couplings usually have good performance and price advantages.In many practical applications of stepping servo systems, the elastic coupling is SX.The overall design makes the elastic coupling realize the advantages of zero-clearance transmission torque and maintenance-free.There are two basic series of elastic couplings: spiral groove type and parallel groove type.

  The spiral elastic coupling has a continuous multi-ring length.The coupling has good elasticity and small bearing load.It can withstand various deviations, and is most suitable for correcting deviations and axial deviations, but it has poor processing ability, because the spiral groove is bent in two different directions at the same time, which will generate a large internal pressure.This leads to premature damage to the coupling.Although the long spiral groove coupling is easy to bend under different deviations, it has the same effect on the stiffness of the coupling under the action of torsion load.Excessive rotation clearance under load will affect the accuracy of the coupling and weaken the overall performance of the coupling.

  Most flexible couplings are made of aluminum alloy, and some manufacturers also provide flexible couplings made of stainless steel.In addition to corrosion resistance, the stainless steel elastic coupling also improves the torque tolerance and rigidity, even twice that of aluminum alloy products.However, this increased torque and stiffness is offset to some extent by the increase in mass and inertia.Sometimes the negative impact will outweigh its advantages, so users must find other forms of coupling.

  Elastic coupling is a very simple coupling consisting of two parts of coupling and bolts.The main processing technology of the rigid flange coupling is to drill, cut and trim the key grooves before the coupling shaft is assembled.The shaft cover of the half coupling, such as the end face and other surfaces of the coupling, have conical holes and cylindrical holes.The two forms, the tapered Kongbi cylindrical hole has many advantages in the process characteristics.It is easy to get concentricity between the components of the tapered bushing, the joint and the shaft contact can achieve a good fit, and the inspection is also convenient.Therefore, the use of conical holes is more common.The semi-combiners are generally made of forgings, with a margin of 2-3 mm on each side during rough processing, and the heat treatment to eliminate residual stress can be used in the drilling process.Coupling drilling is usually carried out on a lathe, because the machining degree of the coupling sleeve is very high, so the precision machining of the hole is usually used for grinding.The finishing of the outer surface of the coupling is done in the same splint.The size of the machined hole and the contact between the hole and the shaft surface need to be tested.For mass production of connectors, tapered sample columns are generally used to ensure the interchangeability of parts.The coupler produced by a single unit can be installed at the end of the shaft for inspection.If the connection between the shaft and the hole is not required, the shaft of the coupling can be repaired.

  The keyway of the coupling can be processed after boring and passing the inspection and processed on the gear shaper.There is a margin of 0.1 mm on both sides of the coupling for post-installation correction, mainly to ensure that the processed keyway wall is parallel to the center line of the hole.For mass-produced couplings, a special template is generally used as the standard for scraping, and the special template is used for inspection.Couplings produced from individual parts can be assembled and scraped off to achieve precise matching dimensions.

  The end face of the coupling is often processed on the shaft, so that the end face of the end face of the coupling can be accurately processed parallel to the shaft.During this processing, special attention should be paid to ensure that the end face of the coupling is consistent with the rotor shaft.At the same time, pay attention to whether the coordination of the middle layer meets the requirements.For flanges without an intermediate pair, the two half couplings should also be combined after drilling.

  The content of the flexible coupling introduced above, I hope it can be helpful to everyone. Our website also organizes more information about the coupling. If you want to know more, please remember to collect it.

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